Best Dermatologist for Acne Treatments in San Francisco

women with acne free skin

What to Expect

Acne is a chronic, medical condition marked by clogging of the pores in the skin, and resultant inflammation in the skin that may eventually lead to scarring. Acne manifests as blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples on the surface of the skin, and cysts- large, painful bumps under the skin. Acne is most commonly seen on the face, but may also affect the chest, neck, shoulders, arms, and back. In severe acne, numerous inflamed pimples and cysts predominate, leading to scarring that may also be severe and disfiguring.

What causes acne?

There are many factors that cause or worsen acne. The main cause of acne is plugging of the pores. Pores in the skin are attached to a hair follicle and an oil gland. Persons with acne typically have a natural and genetic predilection to clogged pores. This is due to delayed sloughing of dead skin cells on the surface of the skin and overlying the pores, leading to build up of skin cells and oils trapped in the pores. In some individuals, grooming products such as pomades and make-up that contain pore-clogging (comedogenic) ingredients such as oils, may also further contribute to this condition. Other contributors to plugging of the pores is excessive oil production by the oil glands in the skin, hormonal changes, for example during pregnancy, which lead to changes in skin oil production, bacteria overgrowth in the skin, and some medications. Finally, although there is not conclusive scientific evidence for this and research is still ongoing, diets rich in sugars and dairy may be associated with acne. Lifestyle habits such as stress, also play a role in acne formation.

How is acne treated?

Although commonly treated at estheticians' practices and med spas using cosmetic facial treatments and techniques such as extractions and chemical peels, acne is considered a medical condition due to the high levels of chronic inflammation in the skin, which when severe enough, causes permanent scars. For this reason, the most effective way to treat acne is to see a board-certified dermatologist, who can help you identify the root cause of your acne, and develop an effective medical treatment plan for you to help you achieve clear skin. Once your skin is clear, cosmetic treatments such as facials and chemical peels may be added to your regimen to improve scars or hyperpigmentation. Like most dermatologists, Dr. Carlson has a passion for treating acne, as this condition can be highly devastating to a teenager, and young adult's self esteem. Older adults who have lived with facial acne scars for decades, or who have new adult-onset acne after many years of having clear skin are sometimes just as devastated by this condition.

The California Center for Dermatologic Surgery is one of the best and comprehensive acne clinics, offering treatments for both acne and severe acne scarring, to help you achieve clear, radiant skin. We offer science-driven medical treatments, cosmeceutical products, and the most innovative of laser and energy-device treatments for acne and acne scarring, to help you achieve healthy, blemish-free skin that boosts your confidence.

Have Clearer Skin

Your first step to clearer skin is to see a dermatologist, the highest-trained specialist in all things skin-related, and the most up to date on the latest advances in medical treatment of acne. Remember, acne is a medical condition, for which there are many well-studied, and safe medications for effective treatment. During your first appointment, your doctor will evaluate your skin, your medical history, and will review your medications for any that could be contributing to your acne. Your doctor will then device a science-backed treatment plan and skincare regimen for you, tailored to the individualize needs of the patient, their skin type and their skin concerns. On average, it takes 6 weeks to notice an improvement on any acne treatment plan, so it is important to remain consistent and patient with your prescribed treatment plan for best results. Your doctor will typically want to see you back after 6 weeks to ensure that you are tolerating your regimen, and to make any further adjustments to your medications based on results. You will subsequently be seen every 6-8 weeks until your skin is clear.

Prevent Flareups

Once your skin is clear, your dermatologist will put you on a maintenance medication and skin care regimen to help you prevent flareups of your condition.

Remove Scarring

After your acne has been addressed and you have stopped having breakouts and flareups, your dermatologist will then discuss options for removing scarring, blemishes, and redness from your skin. Acne scars are often disfiguring, and scar treatments are often complicated. At CCDS, we offer comprehensive solutions for acne scars to improve the texture and appearance of the skin.

Do I Need Prepare for Treatments?

You do not need to do much to prepare for your acne visit with Dr. Carlson. At your follow-up appointment, you may be asked to bring your skin care products to your appointment to help optimize your skin care regimen.

Is it Right for Me?

Acne is a very treatable medical condition. With numerous, safe, science-backed treatment options, covered by medical insurance, there is really no need to suffer from acne. Visit our clinic to find out how we can help.

Before and After Photos

Check out our gallery of Acne before and after photos.

Before and after acne treatment
before and after acne laser
picture of acne before and after treatment

Our Office Serves the Entire San Francisco Bay Area Including Oakland, Berkeley, Marin County, the Peninsula and Beyond

We accept patients from all over the bay area for acne treatments. For acne scarring treatments, we see patients from all over the country, and sometimes offer initial video consultation visits. Call to find out more.