Best Dermatologist for Non-cancerous Mole Treatments in San Francisco

What are Moles?

Moles, also known as nevi, are clusters of pigment producing cells in the skin. Moles can appear anywhere on the body and can vary in size, shape, texture, and color. Moles can range in color from pink and tan in lighter skin types, to brown and black in darker skin types. Moles can be present at birth, or can be acquired over the course of ones life. are present at birth and can vary in size from small to large. Larger congenital moles have a slightly higher risk of developing into melanoma.

While most moles are harmless or benign, some have the potential to develop into pre-cancerous or cancerous cells called melanoma at some point in a person's life. For this reason, self monitoring of ones skin every month for changes in the appearance of their moles, is recommended. These changes may include darkening or other color change, and enlargement of existing moles, that could indicate removal of these moles for medical reasons. Most moles however, are harmless and have no risk for developing into a cancerous mole. These are called benign or non-cancerous moles.

What Causes Moles?

Most moles in childhood and young adulthood develop as a result of ones genetics, but other factors such as exposure to sunlight and hormonal changes in the body such as during puberty and pregnancy, can lead to formation of new moles.

How are Moles Removed

There are many different methods of mole removal from the skin. The exact type of mole removal method used for an individual lesion depends on the type of lesion being treated; specifically, whether the dermatologist considers the mole suspicious based on its appearance or history of changing (this is called an atypical mole), or whether it appears benign.

Atypical Mole Removal

Atypical moles are typically removed by a procedure called a biopsy. In this procedure, the goal is to sample the mole in order for a pathologist to examine the cells under the microscope to determine whether there are cancerous cells within the mole. Biopsies are done in the dermatologist's office under local anesthesia where a numbing agent is injected in the skin around the mole. Biopsies can be done using either a shaving technique, where the top part of the mole and tissue on the surface of the skin is removed using a scalpel, or a punch method. In the punch biopsy method, a small tool similar to a cookie cutter, slightly bigger than the mole itself, is used to core out the mole from the skin. The punch method is usually followed by placement of stitches to help the wound heal.

Cosmetic Mole Removal

Benign moles can be removed for cosmetic reasons using a number of different techniques, including laser removal, surgical excision using a scalpel, and in some rare cases, using liquid nitrogen in the doctor's office.

What To Expect from The Procedure?

At the California Center for Dermatologic Surgery, all mole removal procedures are performed under local anesthesia, where a numbing agent is injected under the skin around the mole. The treatment is thus painless. Your doctor may counsel you to avoid sun exposure, and be diligent about wearing sunscreen when outdoors for several days after the treatment to ensure best results. The treated area heals over the ensuing 5 to 14 days.

Do I Need Prepare for Treatments?

No special preparation is needed prior to mole removal surgery. Be sure to avoid sun exposure to the treated area for at least 2 weeks after the procedure.<p>

Moles are common findings in skin of all types. While they often add character to ones appearance, they can potentially be a source of aesthetic concern if they are present in an undesired location, or of medical concern if they undergo changes. Read on to learn about different types of moles, their causes, and how to maintain healthy skin. If you have any particular moles that are changing, growing, or simply unsightly to you, visit us at the California Center for Dermatologic Surgery in San Francisco, for an evaluation and discussion of treatment options.

Is It Right for Me?

To find out more about moles and the removal process, including, whether or not this is the right treatment for you, contact our clinic to schedule a consultation appointment. During this visit, our board-certified dermatologist will discuss the best method of treating your particular skin condition.

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